Banyak pertanyaan di Google asking about whether pcos will be cured once you gave birth or not? I did my quick research on Google, however cant make any conclusion sebab most of the info came from forum or discussion among pcos mommies out there. Only a few (setakat my reading) fact articles answer my question as below.
Most of the pcos mommies stated their pcos still haunting them! Excess hair still ada eventho dah bersalin.. but some how two gynaes told me (after i bersalin) that once you got pregnant, please do not worry much about pcos. Dah ade proof dah you can be pregnant and insyaAllah lepas ni boleh pregnant lagi. Another gynae plak asking about my AF after nifas. Then i jawab so far dtg every months. Then she replied thats good! Normally pcoser's menstrual cycle still irregular even after pregnancy. Sounds promising right? Wallahuallam...
Aku nak share chart AF aku as below.
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Looks like cycle still panjang D39-D40 sama seperti before pregnancy. Cuma last month ada sehari brown spotting pelik berlaku. Bila fikir-fikir balik, maybe sebab sofea dok berjoget duduk atas perut aku.. Excess hair takde pula aku notice so far.. tapi maybe juga because of aku tengah alami perubahan hormon estrogen yang menyebabkan hair growth berada dalam fasa berehat. So sehelai bulu kat dagu tu pon dok berehat gak kot..
Bila tengok jadual AF ni, rasanya aku kena start balik BBT & OPK untuk monitor aku ovulate ke tidak every cycle. Sesetengah minah salleh lagi rigit, di mana dorang every month request nak buat TVS just nak tau ovaries dorang ada small pearls of immature follicles. Food consumption pun dah kena strict. Yela lepas berpantang, berjimba juga makan macam-macam.. huhuhu.. lepas geram. InsyaAllah ada masa aku update cycle incoming months. Harap BBT termometer aku tak hilang la. Yela hari tu dok simpan dalam kotak sebab renovate rumah. Ni dah tak ingat kotak yang mana satu. Heeee... :p
Nway, ttcian mommies yang previously ada pcos boleh tak share status pcos korang after pregnancy? TIA!
Bila tengok jadual AF ni, rasanya aku kena start balik BBT & OPK untuk monitor aku ovulate ke tidak every cycle. Sesetengah minah salleh lagi rigit, di mana dorang every month request nak buat TVS just nak tau ovaries dorang ada small pearls of immature follicles. Food consumption pun dah kena strict. Yela lepas berpantang, berjimba juga makan macam-macam.. huhuhu.. lepas geram. InsyaAllah ada masa aku update cycle incoming months. Harap BBT termometer aku tak hilang la. Yela hari tu dok simpan dalam kotak sebab renovate rumah. Ni dah tak ingat kotak yang mana satu. Heeee... :p
Nway, ttcian mommies yang previously ada pcos boleh tak share status pcos korang after pregnancy? TIA!
2 ulasan:
sep sikit!!
hehehehe...same mcm i, seriously i takpenah ade normal cycle mcm ni since high school!
i period after bersalin start from Aug, astu September pun period, Oct period, Nov period (now dah CD7)
Yeah i guess the cycle akan normal balik, but the pcos is still there. As for me, i mmg jenis yg takde facial hair whatsoever just stupid period je. now dah clever period. hahaha...
sepppp balik!
tula kan period regular tapi nervous nak tengok BBT chart balik. U ade tak cek lepas2 bersalin bbt chart u?
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